Source code for LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_Subplots

## These functions are tools to deal with creating nice subplots from multiple 
## rasters
## FJC
## 22/12/2016
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from glob import glob
import os.path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import string
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import as cmx
from matplotlib import rcParams
from . import LSDMap_GDALIO as LSDMap_IO
from . import LSDMap_BasicPlotting as LSDMap_BP
from . import labels as lsdlabels

# Convert cm to inch for figure sizing
[docs]def cm2inch(value): return value/2.54
#============================================================================== # Function to create nice field sites figure from all the hillshades in a folder # N_HSFiles = number of field sites # Also reads in a series of map files to show locations of each site. At the moment # you have to manually indicate on these maps where the field site is - would # be nice to automate this when I have some time to mess around with it. # FJC 22/12/16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def field_sites(DataDirectory, N_HSFiles, NRows, NCols, n_target_ticks): # Set up fonts rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = 6 # Read in the files for each site HSFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_HS.bil'), key=str) MapFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_map.eps'), key=str) print(MapFiles) n_files = len(HSFiles)+len(MapFiles) print("Number of files = ", n_files) # Now make the subplots fig, ax = pp.subplots(NRows,NCols, figsize=(cm2inch(12),cm2inch(15)), frameon=False) ax = ax.ravel() #get a list to label the subfigures alphabet = list(string.ascii_lowercase) file_counter = 0 for i in range (n_files): if i < N_HSFiles: # first deal with the hillshade files. If there are more hillshade files simply # change the value of N_HSFiles print("The hillshade file name is: ", HSFiles[i]) hillshade_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(HSFiles[i]) hillshade_raster = == -9999, hillshade_raster) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(HSFiles[i]) # get DEM info CellSize,XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMMaxMin(HSFiles[i]) print(YMin, YMax) #plot the rasters ax[i].imshow(hillshade_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmx.gray) ax[i].text(0.05,0.97, alphabet[i], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='k', pad=3), fontsize = 8, transform=ax[i].transAxes) #change ticks xlocs = ax[i].xaxis.get_ticklocs() ylocs = ax[i].yaxis.get_ticklocs() new_xlocs,new_ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(HSFiles[i],xlocs.max(),xlocs.min(),ylocs.max(),ylocs.min(),n_target_ticks) # change the location of the ticks depending on subplot placement if i < 2: ax[i].xaxis.tick_top() if i % 2 != 0: ax[i].yaxis.tick_right() ax[i].set_xticklabels(new_x_labels, rotation=30) ax[i].set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax[i].tick_params(axis='x', pad=7) ax[i].tick_params(axis='y', pad=7) if i >= N_HSFiles: print("The map file name is: ", MapFiles[file_counter]) # add in the location maps for the sites (e.g. USA, UK) img = mpimg.imread(MapFiles[file_counter]) ax[i].imshow(img) ax[i].text(0.02,1.00, alphabet[i], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize = 8, transform=ax[i].transAxes) file_counter=file_counter+1 #remove border ax[i].axis('off') # Save figure # Add a big subplot to get a common x and y label for the subplots fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) # hide tick and tick label of the big axes pp.tick_params(labelcolor='none', top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off') pp.xlabel('Easting (m)', fontsize=8, labelpad=-122) pp.ylabel('Northing (m)', fontsize=8, labelpad=10, position=(0.0,0.67)) pp.tight_layout(pad=0.1, w_pad = 0.1, h_pad = 0.2) OutputFigureName = "field_sites" OutputFigureFormat = 'pdf' pp.savefig(DataDirectory+OutputFigureName + '.' + OutputFigureFormat, format=OutputFigureFormat, dpi=300) #============================================================================== # Function to create comparison plots for floodplain mapping between the published # flood maps and the geometric method # FJC 22/12/16 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def multiple_flood_maps(DataDirectory): """ Make nice subplots of floodplain rasters for different field sites """ import seaborn as sns # Set up fonts rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = 12 # Read in the files for each site FPFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_FP*.bil'), key=str) n_files = len(FPFiles) print("Number of files = ", n_files) # Now make the subplots fig, ax = pp.subplots(2,3, figsize=(cm2inch(15),cm2inch(11))) ax = ax.ravel() #use seaborn to get a nice color palette cmap_oranges = sns.light_palette("#ff8f66", input="hex", as_cmap=True, reverse=True) cmap_ice = sns.light_palette("#00ffff", input="hex", as_cmap=True, reverse=True) alphabet = list(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range (n_files): print("The floodplain file name is: ", FPFiles[i]) # get the name of the field site fname = FPFiles[i].split('/') print(fname) split_fname = fname[-1].split('_') print(split_fname) HSFile = DataDirectory+split_fname[1]+'_'+split_fname[2]+"_HS.bil" print(HSFile) hillshade_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(HSFile) FP_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FPFiles[i]) FP_raster = <= 0, FP_raster) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(HSFile) # get DEM info CellSize,XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMMaxMin(HSFile) print(YMin, YMax) #plot the rasters ax[i].imshow(hillshade_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmx.gray) if i < 3: ax[i].imshow(FP_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmap_oranges, alpha=0.8) else: ax[i].imshow(FP_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmap_ice, alpha=0.6) ax[i].text(0.03,0.97, alphabet[i], bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='k', pad=5), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax[i].transAxes) #scalebars.add_scalebar(ax[i], matchx=False, sizex=500.0, loc=3, borderpad =1, lw=3, matchy=False, hidex=False, hidey=False) ax[i].set_xticklabels([]) ax[i].set_yticklabels([]) ax[i].set_xticks([]) ax[i].set_yticks([]) ax[i].tick_params(axis='x', pad=3) ax[i].tick_params(axis='y', pad=3) # Save figure pp.tight_layout(pad=0.5, h_pad=0, w_pad=0.1) pp.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05,hspace=0) OutputFigureName = "Comparison_published_maps" OutputFigureFormat = 'pdf' pp.savefig(DataDirectory+OutputFigureName + '.' + OutputFigureFormat, format=OutputFigureFormat, transparent=True, dpi=300)
#============================================================================== # Make subplots showing the difference between the mapped and predicted # floodplain initiation points. Uses Fiona (yaaay) to read in the shapefiles # FJC 05/01/17 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def flood_maps_with_shapefile(DataDirectory): from fiona import collection from descartes import PolygonPatch # Set up fonts rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = 8 # Read in the files for each site HSFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_HS.bil'), key=str) FPFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_FIPs_FP.shp'), key=str) PointFiles = sorted(glob(DataDirectory+'*_FIPs.shp'), key=str) n_files = len(FPFiles) print("Number of files = ", n_files) # Now make the subplots fig, ax = pp.subplots(1,2, figsize=(cm2inch(12),cm2inch(7))) ax = ax.ravel() #get a list with the figure letterings figure_letter = ["a", "b"] for i in range (n_files): print("The hillshade file name is: ", HSFiles[i]) print("The floodplain file name is: ", FPFiles[i]) print("The shapefile name is: ", PointFiles[i]) # get the name of the field site split_fname = FPFiles[i].split('_FP') print(split_fname[0]) hillshade_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(HSFiles[i]) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(HSFiles[i]) # get DEM info CellSize,XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMMaxMin(HSFiles[i]) print(YMin, YMax) # plot the raster ax[i].imshow(hillshade_raster, extent = extent_raster, cmap=cmx.gray) # plot the floodplain shapefile using fiona and descartes with collection(FPFiles[i], 'r') as input: for f in input: ax[i].add_patch(PolygonPatch(f['geometry'], fc='blue', ec='k')) #plot the mapped points with collection(PointFiles[i],'r') as input: for point in input: x = point['geometry']['coordinates'][0] y = point['geometry']['coordinates'][1] ax[i].scatter(x,y, c="red", s=15) ax[i].text(0.03,0.97, figure_letter[i], bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='k', pad=3), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', fontsize = 8, transform=ax[i].transAxes) #change ticks xlocs = ax[i].xaxis.get_ticklocs() ylocs = ax[i].yaxis.get_ticklocs() n_target_tics = 7 new_xlocs,new_ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(HSFiles[i],xlocs.max(),xlocs.min(),ylocs.max(),ylocs.min(),n_target_tics) ax[i].set_xticklabels(new_x_labels, rotation=30) ax[i].set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) #set axis limits ax[i].set_xlim(XMin,XMax) ax[i].set_ylim(YMin,YMax) if i == 0: ax[i].set_xlabel('Easting (m)', position=(1,0)) ax[i].set_ylabel('Northing (m)') if i > 0: ax[i].yaxis.tick_right() ax[i].tick_params(axis='x', pad=2) ax[i].tick_params(axis='y', pad=2) # Save figure pp.tight_layout(pad=0.5) OutputFigureName = "Comparison_with_mapped_FIPs" OutputFigureFormat = 'pdf' pp.savefig(DataDirectory+OutputFigureName + '.' + OutputFigureFormat, format=OutputFigureFormat, dpi=300)
[docs]def findmaxval_multirasters(FileList): """ Loops through a list or array of rasters (np arrays) and finds the maximum single value in the set of arrays. """ overall_max_val = 0 for i in range (len(FileList)): raster_as_array = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileList[i]) this_max_val = np.nanmax(raster_as_array) if this_max_val > overall_max_val: overall_max_val = this_max_val print(overall_max_val) return overall_max_val
[docs]def findminval_multirasters(FileList): """ Loops through a list or array of rasters (np arrays) and finds the minimum single value in the set of arrays. """ overall_min_val = 0 for i in range (len(FileList)): raster_as_array = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileList[i]) this_min_val = np.nanmin(raster_as_array) if this_min_val > overall_min_val: overall_min_val = this_min_val print(overall_min_val) return overall_min_val
[docs]def MultiDrapeFloodMaps(DataDir, ElevationRaster, DrapeRasterWild, cmap, drape_min_threshold=None, drape_max=None, cbar_label=None): """Creates a figure with multiple drape maps over a hillshade. Plots flood extents from water depth rasters draped over the catchment elevation raster in a series of subplots Takes a wildcard for the drapes Expexts a fixed elevation raster, but this could be modified in future. Parameters: DataDir (str): Path to the directory containing the data files ElevationRaster (str): Name of the elevation raster used to create the hillshade DrapeRasterWild (str): Wildcard string used to find all the drape files in the directory. cmap: Can be the string name of a colourmap, or a Colourmap object drape_min (float, optional): Minimum value for the drape raster, i.e. values below this threshold will be masked and not plotted. drape_max (float, optional): Maximum value for the drape raster, i.e. values above this value will be masked and not plotted. cbar_label (str, optional): Label for the colourbar on the figure. This is the colourbar for the drape colourmap. Notes: Consider, if plotting multiple datasets, how you are going to deal with min a max values in the colur range. imshow will automatically set vmin and vmax and stretch the colour bar over this - which can be visually misleading. Ideally, you want to have the same colour map used for *all* subplots, and this is not default behaviour. Note: If `drape_max` is not set, the function searches for the maximum value in the range of rasters found by expanding the `DrapeRasterWild` argument and searching for the maximum value out of all rasters found. Raises: Exception: If the maximum value in the drape maps could not be found. """ f, ax_arr = pp.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 5), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax_arr = ax_arr.ravel() FPFiles = sorted(glob(DataDir+DrapeRasterWild), key=str) n_files = len(FPFiles) print("Number of files = ", n_files) elev_raster_file = DataDir + ElevationRaster hillshade = LSDMap_BP.Hillshade(elev_raster_file) #hillshade_array = LSDP.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(elev_raster_file) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(elev_raster_file) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(elev_raster_file,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) print("xmax: " + str(x_max)) print("xmin: " + str(x_min)) print("ymax: " + str(y_max)) print("ymin: " + str(y_min)) """ Find the maximum water depth in all rasters. You need this to normalize the colourscale accross all plots when teh imshow is done later. """ try: print("Calculating max drape raster value by scanning rasters...") max_water_depth = findmaxval_multirasters(FPFiles) drape_max = max_water_depth except: print("Something went wrong trying to obtain the max value in \ your drape raster file list.") finally: print("The drape(s) max value is set to: ", drape_max) #im = mpimg.AxesImage() for i in range(n_files): print("The floodplain file name is: ", FPFiles[i]) FP_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FPFiles[i]) #FP_raster = <= 0, FP_raster) filename = os.path.basename(FPFiles[i]) title = lsdlabels.make_line_label(filename) print(title) low_values_index = FP_raster < drape_min_threshold FP_raster[low_values_index] = np.nan im = ax_arr[i].imshow(hillshade, "gray", extent=extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") """ Now we can set vmax to be the maximum water depth we calcualted earlier, making our separate subplots all have the same colourscale """ im = ax_arr[i].imshow(FP_raster, cmap, extent=extent_raster, alpha=1.0, interpolation="nearest", vmin=drape_min_threshold, vmax=drape_max) ax_arr[i].set_title(title) pp.setp( ax_arr[i].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=70 ) f.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) cax = f.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8]) cbar = f.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) #cbar.set_ticks(np.linspace(0, 8, 8)) #cbar = LSDP.colours.colorbar_index(f, cax, 8, cmap, # drape_min_threshold, drape_max) #tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=8) #cbar.locator = tick_locator #cbar.update_ticks() f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'Easting (m)', ha='center', fontsize=17) f.text(0.04, 0.5, 'Northing (m)', va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=17)
[docs]def MultiDrapeErodeDiffMaps(DataDir, ElevationRaster, DrapeRasterWild, cmap, drape_min_threshold=None, cbar_label=None, drape_max_threshold=None, middle_mask_range=None): """Plots multiple drape maps of erosion/deposition (a DEM of difference) over a hillshade raster of the basin. Takes a wildcard for the drapes Expexts a single elevation raster for the background hillshade, but this could be modified in future. Parameters: DataDir (str): Path to the directory containing the data files ElevationRaster (str): Name of the elevation raster used to create the hillshade DrapeRasterWild (str): Wildcard string used to find all the drape files in the directory. cmap: Can be the string name of a colourmap, or a Colourmap object drape_min_threshold (float, optional): Minimum value for the drape raster, i.e. values below this threshold will be masked and not plotted. drape_max_threshold (float, optional): Maximum value for the drape raster, i.e. values above this value will be masked and not plotted. cbar_label (str, optional): Label for the colourbar on the figure. This is the colourbar for the drape colourmap. middle_mask_range (tuple, optional): A tuple or list of two values, used to mask an inner range of values in the drape raster. e.g. if you pass `(-0.1, 0.1)` then all the values in the range -0.1 to 0.1 will be masked and not plotted on the final map. Use for masking very small values either side of zero. Notes: Consider, if plotting multiple datasets, how you are going to deal with min a max values in the colur range. imshow will automatically set vmin and vmax and stretch the colour bar over this - which can be visually misleading. Ideally, you want to have the same colour map used for *all* subplots, and this is not default behaviour. Note: If `drape_max_threshold` is not set, the function searches for the maximum value in the range of rasters found by expanding the `DrapeRasterWild` argument and searching for the maximum value out of all rasters found. Raises: Exception: If the maximum value in the drape maps could not be found. Author: DAV & FJC """ #import lsdmatplotlibextensions as mplext f, ax_arr = pp.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 5), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax_arr = ax_arr.ravel() FPFiles = sorted(glob(DataDir+DrapeRasterWild), key=str) n_files = len(FPFiles) print("Number of files = ", n_files) elev_raster_file = DataDir + ElevationRaster hillshade = LSDMap_BP.Hillshade(elev_raster_file) #hillshade_array = LSDP.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(elev_raster_file) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(elev_raster_file) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs, ylocs, new_x_labels, new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM( elev_raster_file, x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min, n_target_tics) print("xmax: " + str(x_max)) print("xmin: " + str(x_min)) print("ymax: " + str(y_max)) print("ymin: " + str(y_min)) """ Find the maximum water depth in all rasters. You need this to normalize the colourscale accross all plots when teh imshow is done later. """ if drape_max_threshold is None: try: print("Calculating max drape raster value by scanning rasters...") max_water_depth = findmaxval_multirasters(FPFiles) drape_max_threshold = max_water_depth except ValueError: print("Something went wrong trying to obtain the max value in \ your drape raster file list.") finally: print("The drape(s) max value is set to: ", drape_max_threshold) if drape_min_threshold is None: try: print("Calculating min drape raster value by scanning rasters...") min_water_depth = findminval_multirasters(FPFiles) drape_min_threshold = min_water_depth except ValueError: print("Something went wrong trying to obtain the min value in \ your drape raster file list.") finally: print("The drape(s) min value is set to: ", drape_min_threshold) for i in range(n_files): print("The floodplain file name is: ", FPFiles[i]) FP_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FPFiles[i]) #FP_raster = <= 0, FP_raster) filename = os.path.basename(FPFiles[i]) title = lsdlabels.make_line_label(filename) print(title) # Mask the extreme high values hi_values_index = FP_raster > drape_max_threshold FP_raster[hi_values_index] = np.nan # Mask the extreme low values lo_values_index = FP_raster < drape_min_threshold FP_raster[lo_values_index] = np.nan # Mask the middle values that are really close to zero (i.e. if you # have negative and positive values in the raster, such as in a DEM # of difference with both erosion and deposition.) if middle_mask_range is not None: masked_mid_values_index = (np.logical_and(FP_raster > middle_mask_range[0], FP_raster < middle_mask_range[1])) FP_raster[masked_mid_values_index] = np.nan im = ax_arr[i].imshow(hillshade, "gray", extent=extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") """ Now we can set vmax to be the maximum water depth we calcualted earlier, making our separate subplots all have the same colourscale """ im = ax_arr[i].imshow(FP_raster, cmap, extent=extent_raster, alpha=1.0, interpolation="nearest", vmin=drape_min_threshold, vmax=drape_max_threshold) ax_arr[i].set_title(title) pp.setp( ax_arr[i].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=70 ) f.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) cax = f.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8]) cbar = f.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label(cbar_label) #cbar.set_ticks(np.linspace(0, 8, 8)) #cbar = mplext.colours.colorbar_index(f, cax, 8, cmap, # drape_min_threshold, drape_max) #tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=8) #cbar.locator = tick_locator #cbar.update_ticks() f.text(0.5, 0.04, 'Easting (m)', ha='center', fontsize=17) f.text(0.04, 0.5, 'Northing (m)', va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=17)