Source code for LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_ChiPlotting

## These functions are tools to deal with chi maps
## SMM
## 14/12/2016
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from . import cubehelix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from cycler import cycler
from matplotlib import rcParams
import LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_GDALIO as LSDMap_IO
#import LSDMap_BasicManipulation as LSDMap_BM
#import LSDMap_OSystemTools as LSDOst
import LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_BasicPlotting as LSDMap_BP
import LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_PointTools as LSDMap_PD
import LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_BasicManipulation as LSDMap_BM

[docs]def ConvertBasinIndexToJunction(BasinPointData,BasinIndexList): """This transforms a basin index list (simply the order of the basins, starting from low to high junction number) to a junction list. This allows users to go between basin rasters (with junctions listed) and the simpler basin indexing system (which is sequential) Args: BasinPointData (LSDMap_PointData): a point data object BasinIndexList (list of ints): The basin indices to be converted to junctions Returns: A list on ints with the basin junctions Author: SMM """ these_data = BasinPointData.QueryData("outlet_junction") these_data = [int(x) for x in these_data] #print("The junctions are: ") basin_junction_list = [] for basinindex in BasinIndexList: basin_junction_list.append(these_data[basinindex]) return basin_junction_list
[docs]def FindSourceInformation(thisPointData): """This function finds the source locations, with chi elevation, flow distance, etc. Args: thisPointData (LSDMap_PointData) A LSDMap_PointData object that is derived from the Chi_mapping_tool component of *LSDTopoTools*. Returns: A dict with key of the source node that returns a dict that has the FlowDistance, Chi, and Elevation of each source. Used for plotting source numbers on profile plots. Author: SMM """ # Get the chi, m_chi, basin number, and source ID code chi = thisPointData.QueryData('chi') chi = [float(x) for x in chi] elevation = thisPointData.QueryData('elevation') elevation = [float(x) for x in elevation] fdist = thisPointData.QueryData('flow distance') fdist = [float(x) for x in fdist] source = thisPointData.QueryData('source_key') source = [int(x) for x in source] latitude = thisPointData.GetLatitude() longitude = thisPointData.GetLongitude() Chi = np.asarray(chi) Elevation = np.asarray(elevation) Fdist = np.asarray(fdist) Source = np.asarray(source) Latitude = np.asarray(latitude) Longitude = np.asarray(longitude) n_sources = Source.max()+1 print("N sources is: "+str(n_sources)) # This loops through all the source indices, and then picks out the # Elevation, chi coordinate and flow distance of each node # Then it returns a dictionary containing the elements of the node these_source_nodes = {} for src_idx in range(0,n_sources): m =!=src_idx, Source) # Mask the unwanted values maskX =, Chi) maskElevation =, Elevation) maskFlowDistance =, Fdist) maskLatitude =, Latitude) maskLongitude=, Longitude) # get the locations of the source this_dict = {} idx_of_max_FD = maskX.argmax() this_dict["FlowDistance"]=maskFlowDistance[idx_of_max_FD] this_dict["Chi"]=maskX[idx_of_max_FD] this_dict["Elevation"]=maskElevation[idx_of_max_FD] this_dict["Latitude"]=maskLatitude[idx_of_max_FD] this_dict["Longitude"]=maskLongitude[idx_of_max_FD] # get the minimum of the source idx_of_min_Chi = maskX.argmin() chi_length = maskX[idx_of_max_FD]-maskX[idx_of_min_Chi] this_dict["SourceLength"]=chi_length these_source_nodes[src_idx] = this_dict return these_source_nodes
[docs]def FindShortSourceChannels(these_source_nodes,threshold_length): """This function gets the list of sources that are shorter than a threshold value Args: these_source_nodes (dict): A dict from the FindSourceInformation module threshold_length (float): The threshold of chi lenght of the source segment Return: long_sources: A list of integers of source with the appropriate length Author: SMM """ long_sources = [] for key in these_source_nodes: if these_source_nodes[key]["SourceLength"] > threshold_length: long_sources.append(key) return long_sources
##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ## This function plots the chi slope on a shaded relief map ## It uses the Kirby and Whipple colour scheme ##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[docs]def BasicChiPlotGridPlotKirby(FileName, DrapeName, chi_csv_fname, thiscmap='gray',drape_cmap='gray', colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters',clim_val = (0,0), drape_alpha = 0.6,FigFileName = 'Image.pdf',FigFormat = 'show', elevation_threshold = 0, size_format = "ESURF"): """This function plots the chi slope on a shaded relief map. It uses the Kirby and Whipple colour scheme. Args: FileName (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the DEM. DrapenName (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the drape file (usually a hillshade, but could be anything) chi_csv_fname (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the cdv file with chi, chi slope, etc information. This file is produced by the chi_mapping_tool. thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap for the elevation raster drape_cmap (colormap): The colourmap for the drape raster colorbarlabel (str): the text label on the colourbar. clim_val (float,float): The colour limits for the drape file. If (0,0) it uses the minimum and maximum values of the drape file. Users can assign numbers to get consistent colourmaps between plots. drape_alpha (float): The alpha value of the drape FigFileName (str): The name of the figure file FigFormat (str): The format of the figure. Usually 'png' or 'pdf'. If "show" then it calls the matplotlib show() command. elevation_threshold (float): elevation_threshold chi points below this elevation are removed from plotting. size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: Does not return anything but makes a plot. Author: SMM """ from matplotlib import colors label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size #plt.rc('text', usetex=True) # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) raster_drape = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(DrapeName) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, if size_format == "geomorphology": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,5)) l_pad = -40 elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) l_pad = -50 else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) l_pad = -35 gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) # This is the axis for the colorbar ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:15,15:70]) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im1 = ax.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("Im setting colour limits based on minimum and maximum values") im1.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im1.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) plt.hold(True) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale #print "drape_cmap is: "+drape_cmap im3 = ax.imshow(raster_drape[::-1], drape_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = drape_alpha, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im3.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_drape)) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) # Now we get the chi points EPSG_string = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMEPSG(FileName) print("EPSG string is: " + EPSG_string) thisPointData = LSDMap_PD.LSDMap_PointData(chi_csv_fname) thisPointData.ThinData('elevation',elevation_threshold) # convert to easting and northing [easting,northing] = thisPointData.GetUTMEastingNorthing(EPSG_string) # The image is inverted so we have to invert the northing coordinate Ncoord = np.asarray(northing) Ncoord = np.subtract(extent_raster[3],Ncoord) Ncoord = np.add(Ncoord,extent_raster[2]) M_chi = thisPointData.QueryData('m_chi') #print M_chi M_chi = [float(x) for x in M_chi] # make a color map of fixed colors this_cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['#2c7bb6','#abd9e9','#ffffbf','#fdae61','#d7191c']) bounds=[0,50,100,175,250,1205] norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, this_cmap.N) sc = ax.scatter(easting,Ncoord,s=0.5, c=M_chi,cmap=this_cmap,norm=norm,edgecolors='none') # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_yticks(ylocs) cbar = plt.colorbar(sc,cmap=this_cmap,norm=norm,spacing='uniform', ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds,orientation='horizontal',cax=ax2) cbar.set_label(colorbarlabel, fontsize=10) ax2.set_xlabel(colorbarlabel, fontname='Arial',labelpad=l_pad) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(FigFileName,format=FigFormat,dpi=500) fig.clf()
##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ## This function plots the chi slope on a shaded relief map ## It uses a cubehelix colourmap over the log 10 of the channel steepness ##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[docs]def BasicChiPlotGridPlot(FileName, DrapeName, chi_csv_fname, thisPointData, thiscmap='gray',drape_cmap='gray', colorbarlabel='log$_{10}k_{sn}$',clim_val = (0,0), drape_alpha = 0.6,FigFileName = 'Image.pdf',FigFormat = 'show', elevation_threshold = 0, size_format = "ESURF"): """This is the main chi plotting script that prints a chi steepness map over the hillshade. Note that the colour scale for the chi slope values are always cubehelix Args: FileName (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the DEM. DrapenName (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the drape file (usually a hillshade, but could be anything) chi_csv_fname (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the cdv file with chi, chi slope, etc information. This file is produced by the chi_mapping_tool. thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap for the elevation raster drape_cmap (colormap): The colourmap for the drape raster colorbarlabel (str): the text label on the colourbar. clim_val (float,float): The colour limits for the drape file. If (0,0) it uses the minimum and maximum values of the drape file. Users can assign numbers to get consistent colourmaps between plots. drape_alpha (float): The alpha value of the drape FigFileName (str): The name of the figure file FigFormat (str): The format of the figure. Usually 'png' or 'pdf'. If "show" then it calls the matplotlib show() command. elevation_threshold (float): elevation_threshold chi points below this elevation are removed from plotting. size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: Prints a plot to file. Author: Simon M. Mudd """ import math label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) raster_drape = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(DrapeName) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, if size_format == "geomorphology": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,5)) l_pad = -40 elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) l_pad = -50 else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) l_pad = -35 gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im1 = ax.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("Im setting colour limits based on minimum and maximum values") im1.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im1.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) plt.hold(True) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale #print "drape_cmap is: "+drape_cmap im3 = ax.imshow(raster_drape[::-1], drape_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = drape_alpha, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im3.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_drape)) # Set up axes and ticks ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) # Now we get the chi points EPSG_string = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMEPSG(FileName) print("EPSG string is: " + EPSG_string) #thisPointData = LSDMap_PD.LSDMap_PointData(chi_csv_fname) thisPointData.ThinData('elevation',elevation_threshold) # convert to easting and northing [easting,northing] = thisPointData.GetUTMEastingNorthing(EPSG_string) # The image is inverted so we have to invert the northing coordinate Ncoord = np.asarray(northing) Ncoord = np.subtract(extent_raster[3],Ncoord) Ncoord = np.add(Ncoord,extent_raster[2]) M_chi = thisPointData.QueryData('m_chi') M_chi = [float(x) for x in M_chi] log_m_chi = [] for value in M_chi: if value < 0.1: log_m_chi.append(0) else: log_m_chi.append(math.log10(value)) colorbarlabel = "log$_{10}k_{sn}$" this_cmap = cubehelix.cmap(rot=1, reverse=True,start=3,gamma=1.0,sat=2.0) sc = ax.scatter(easting,Ncoord,s=0.5, c=log_m_chi,cmap=this_cmap,edgecolors='none') # set the colour limits sc.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(log_m_chi)) # This is the axis for the colorbar ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:15,15:70]) plt.colorbar(sc,cmap=this_cmap,spacing='uniform', orientation='horizontal',cax=ax2) ax2.set_xlabel(colorbarlabel, fontname='Arial',labelpad=l_pad) # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_yticks(ylocs) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(FigFileName,format=FigFormat,dpi=750) fig.clf()
##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ## This function plots the chi slope on a shaded relief map ## It uses a cubehelix colourmap over the log 10 of the channel steepness ##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[docs]def BasicChiCoordinatePlot(FileName, DrapeName, csvfile, thiscmap='gray',drape_cmap='gray', colorbarlabel='$\chi (m)$',clim_val = (0,0), basin_order_list = [], basin_point_data = "None", basin_raster_name = "None", drape_alpha = 0.6,FigFileName = 'Image.pdf',FigFormat = 'show', size_format = "ESURF"): """This plots the chi coordinate, mimicking Sean Willet et al's plots Args: FileName (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the DEM. DrapenName (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the drape file (usually a hillshade, but could be anything) thisPointData (LSDMap_PointData): The point data object with the basic chi points thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap for the elevation raster drape_cmap (colormap): The colourmap for the drape raster colorbarlabel (str): the text label on the colourbar. clim_val (float,float): The colour limits for the drape file. If (0,0) it uses the minimum and maximum values of the drape file. Users can assign numbers to get consistent colourmaps between plots. basin_order_list (list of int): The basin indices to be selected basin_point_data (LSDM_PointData): The mapping between junctions and indices basin_raster_name (str): If a basin raster name is supplied the chi raster will be masked drape_alpha (float): The alpha value of the drape FigFileName (str): The name of the figure file FigFormat (str): The format of the figure. Usually 'png' or 'pdf'. If "show" then it calls the matplotlib show() command. size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: Prints a plot to file. Author: Simon M. Mudd """ label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) raster_drape = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(DrapeName) raster_drape = LSDMap_BM.NanBelowThreshold(raster_drape,0) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, if size_format == "geomorphology": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,5)) l_pad = -40 elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) l_pad = -50 else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) l_pad = -35 gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im1 = ax.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("Im setting colour limits based on minimum and maximum values") im1.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im1.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) plt.hold(True) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale #print "drape_cmap is: "+drape_cmap im3 = ax.imshow(raster_drape[::-1], drape_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = drape_alpha, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im3.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_drape)) # Set up axes and ticks ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) # Now we get the chi points EPSG_string = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMEPSG(FileName) print("EPSG string is: " + EPSG_string) print("The file is: "+ csvfile) thisPointData = LSDMap_PD.LSDMap_PointData(csvfile) # Check if there are basins, and if we are to mask them if not len(basin_order_list) == 0: # check if there is a point data object if basin_point_data != "None": basin_junction_list = ConvertBasinIndexToJunction(basin_point_data,basin_order_list) print("I am thinning to the following basins: ") print(basin_junction_list) thisPointData.ThinDataSelection('basin_junction',basin_junction_list) if basin_raster_name != "None": basin_raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(basin_raster_name) LSDMap_BM.MaskByCategory(raster_drape,basin_raster,basin_junction_list) # convert to easting and northing [easting,northing] = thisPointData.GetUTMEastingNorthing(EPSG_string) # The image is inverted so we have to invert the northing coordinate Ncoord = np.asarray(northing) Ncoord = np.subtract(extent_raster[3],Ncoord) Ncoord = np.add(Ncoord,extent_raster[2]) chi = thisPointData.QueryData('chi') chi = [float(x) for x in chi] this_cmap = 'CMRmap' sc = ax.scatter(easting,Ncoord,s=0.5, c=chi,cmap=this_cmap,edgecolors='none') # set the colour limits sc.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(chi)) # This is the axis for the colorbar ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:15,15:70]) plt.colorbar(sc,cmap=this_cmap,spacing='uniform', orientation='horizontal',cax=ax2) ax2.set_xlabel(colorbarlabel, fontname='Arial',labelpad=l_pad) # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_yticks(ylocs) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(FigFileName,format=FigFormat,dpi=750) fig.clf()
##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ## This function plots channels, color coded ##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[docs]def BasicChannelPlotGridPlotCategories(FileName, DrapeName, chi_csv_fname, thiscmap='gray',drape_cmap='gray', colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters',clim_val = (0,0), drape_alpha = 0.6,FigFileName = 'Image.pdf',FigFormat = 'show', elevation_threshold = 0, data_name = 'source_key', source_thinning_threshold = 0, size_format = "ESURF"): """This plots the channels over a draped plot, colour coded by source Args: FileName (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the DEM. DrapenName (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the drape file (usually a hillshade, but could be anything) chi_csv_fname (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the cdv file with chi, chi slope, etc information. This file is produced by the chi_mapping_tool. thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap for the elevation raster drape_cmap (colormap): The colourmap for the drape raster colorbarlabel (str): the text label on the colourbar. clim_val (float,float): The colour limits for the drape file. If (0,0) it uses the minimum and maximum values of the drape file. Users can assign numbers to get consistent colourmaps between plots. drape_alpha (float): The alpha value of the drape FigFileName (str): The name of the figure file FigFormat (str): The format of the figure. Usually 'png' or 'pdf'. If "show" then it calls the matplotlib show() command. elevation_threshold (float): elevation_threshold chi points below this elevation are removed from plotting. data_name (str) = The name of the sources csv source_thinning_threshold (float) = Minimum chi length of a source segment. No thinning if 0. size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: Prints a plot to file. Author: Simon M. Mudd """ from matplotlib import colors label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size #plt.rc('text', usetex=True) # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) raster_drape = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(DrapeName) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, if size_format == "geomorphology": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,5)) elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = LSDMap_BP.GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im1 = ax.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("Im setting colour limits based on minimum and maximum values") im1.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im1.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) plt.hold(True) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale #print "drape_cmap is: "+drape_cmap im3 = ax.imshow(raster_drape[::-1], drape_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = drape_alpha, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im3.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_drape)) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) # Now we get the chi points EPSG_string = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMEPSG(FileName) print("EPSG string is: " + EPSG_string) thisPointData = LSDMap_PD.LSDMap_PointData(chi_csv_fname) thisPointData.ThinData('elevation',elevation_threshold) # Logic for thinning the sources if source_thinning_threshold > 0: print("I am going to thin some sources out for you") source_info = FindSourceInformation(thisPointData) remaining_sources = FindShortSourceChannels(source_info,source_thinning_threshold) thisPointData.ThinDataSelection("source_key",remaining_sources) # convert to easting and northing [easting,northing] = thisPointData.GetUTMEastingNorthing(EPSG_string) # The image is inverted so we have to invert the northing coordinate Ncoord = np.asarray(northing) Ncoord = np.subtract(extent_raster[3],Ncoord) Ncoord = np.add(Ncoord,extent_raster[2]) these_data = thisPointData.QueryData(data_name) #print M_chi these_data = [int(x) for x in these_data] # make a color map of fixed colors NUM_COLORS = 15 this_cmap = cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=NUM_COLORS-1), cmap=this_cmap) channel_data = [x % NUM_COLORS for x in these_data] ax.scatter(easting,Ncoord,s=0.5, c=channel_data,norm=cNorm,cmap=this_cmap,edgecolors='none') # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_yticks(ylocs) ax.set_title('Channels colored by source number') print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(FigFileName,format=FigFormat,dpi=500) fig.clf()
##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ## This function plots channels, color coded ##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[docs]def ChiProfiles(chi_csv_fname, FigFileName = 'Image.pdf',FigFormat = 'show', basin_order_list = [],basin_rename_list = [], label_sources = False, elevation_threshold = 0, source_thinning_threshold = 0, size_format = "ESURF"): """This function plots the chi vs elevation: lumps everything onto the same axis. This tends to make a mess. Args: chi_csv_fname (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the cdv file with chi, chi slope, etc information. This file is produced by the chi_mapping_tool. FigFileName (str): The name of the figure file FigFormat (str): The format of the figure. Usually 'png' or 'pdf'. If "show" then it calls the matplotlib show() command. basin_order_list (int list): The basins to plot basin_rename_list (int list): A list for naming substitutions label_sources (bool): If tru, label the sources. elevation_threshold (float): elevation_threshold chi points below this elevation are removed from plotting. source_thinning_threshold (float) = Minimum chi length of a source segment. No thinning if 0 size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: Does not return anything but makes a plot. Author: SMM """ from matplotlib import colors from .adjust_text import adjust_text label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # make a figure, if size_format == "geomorphology": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,5)) elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) thisPointData = LSDMap_PD.LSDMap_PointData(chi_csv_fname) thisPointData.ThinData('elevation',elevation_threshold) # Logic for thinning the sources if source_thinning_threshold > 0: print("I am going to thin some sources out for you") source_info = FindSourceInformation(thisPointData) remaining_sources = FindShortSourceChannels(source_info,source_thinning_threshold) thisPointData.ThinDataSelection("source_key",remaining_sources) # Logic for stacked labels. You need to run this after source thinning to # get an updated source dict if label_sources: source_info = FindSourceInformation(thisPointData) # Get the chi, m_chi, basin number, and source ID code chi = thisPointData.QueryData('chi') chi = [float(x) for x in chi] elevation = thisPointData.QueryData('elevation') elevation = [float(x) for x in elevation] fdist = thisPointData.QueryData('flow distance') fdist = [float(x) for x in fdist] m_chi = thisPointData.QueryData('m_chi') m_chi = [float(x) for x in m_chi] basin = thisPointData.QueryData('basin_key') basin = [int(x) for x in basin] source = thisPointData.QueryData('source_key') source = [int(x) for x in source] # need to convert everything into arrays so we can mask different basins Chi = np.asarray(chi) Elevation = np.asarray(elevation) #Fdist = np.asarray(fdist) #M_chi = np.asarray(m_chi) Basin = np.asarray(basin) Source = np.asarray(source) #max_basin = np.amax(Basin) max_chi = np.amax(Chi) max_Elevation = np.amax(Elevation) #max_M_chi = np.amax(M_chi) min_Elevation = np.amin(Elevation) z_axis_min = int(min_Elevation/10)*10 z_axis_max = int(max_Elevation/10)*10+10 chi_axis_max = int(max_chi/5)*5+5 # make a color map of fixed colors NUM_COLORS = 2 this_cmap = cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=NUM_COLORS-1) Basin_colors = [x % NUM_COLORS for x in Basin] dot_pos = FigFileName.rindex('.') newFilename = FigFileName[:dot_pos]+FigFileName[dot_pos:] print("newFilename: "+newFilename) texts = [] bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="circle,pad=0.1", fc="w", ec="k", lw=0.5,alpha = 0.25) for basin_number in basin_order_list: print(("This basin is: " +str(basin_number))) m =!=basin_number, Basin) maskX =, Chi) maskElevation =, Elevation) maskBasin =, Basin_colors) maskSource =, Source) # logic for source labeling if label_sources: # Convert the masked data to a list and then that list to a set and # back to a list (phew!) list_source = maskSource.tolist() set_source = set(list_source) list_source = list(set_source) # Now we have to get rid of stupid non values list_source = [x for x in list_source if x is not None] print("these sources are: ") print(list_source) for this_source in list_source: source_Chi= source_info[this_source]["Chi"] source_Elevation = source_info[this_source]["Elevation"] #print("Source is: "+str(this_source)) #print("Chi is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["Chi"])) #print("FlowDistance is is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["FlowDistance"])) #print("Elevation is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["Elevation"])) texts.append(ax.text(source_Chi, source_Elevation, str(this_source), style='italic', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',fontsize=8,bbox=bbox_props)) ax.scatter(maskX,maskElevation,s=2.0, c=maskBasin,norm=cNorm,cmap=this_cmap,edgecolors='none') ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xlabel("$\chi$") ax.set_ylabel("Elevation (m)") # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_ylim(z_axis_min,z_axis_max) ax.set_xlim(0,chi_axis_max) #print("Number of text elements is: "+str(len(texts))) adjust_text(texts) #print("Now the number of text elements is: "+str(len(texts))) # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(newFilename,format=FigFormat,dpi=500) fig.clf()
##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ## This function plots channels, color coded ## Only plot the source colouring, not the chi gradient!! ##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[docs]def StackedChiProfiles(chi_csv_fname, FigFileName = 'Image.pdf', FigFormat = 'show',elevation_threshold = 0, first_basin = 0, last_basin = 0, basin_order_list = [],basin_rename_list = [], X_offset = 5,label_sources = False, source_thinning_threshold = 0, size_format = "ESURF"): """This function plots the chi vs elevation: It stacks profiles (so the basins are spaced out) and colours them by the source number. Args: chi_csv_fname (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the cdv file with chi, chi slope, etc information. This file is produced by the chi_mapping_tool. FigFileName (str): The name of the figure file FigFormat (str): The format of the figure. Usually 'png' or 'pdf'. If "show" then it calls the matplotlib show() command. elevation_threshold (float): elevation_threshold chi points below this elevation are removed from plotting. first_basin (int): The basin to start with (but overridden by the basin list) last_basin (int): The basin to end with (but overridden by the basin list) basin_order_list (int list): The basins to plot basin_rename_list (int list): A list for naming substitutions. Useful because LSDTopoTools might number basins in a way a human wouldn't, so a user can intervene in the names. X_offset (float): The offest in chi between the basins along the x-axis. Used to space out the profiles so you can see each of them. label_sources (bool): If true, label the sources. source_thinning_threshold (float) = Minimum chi length of a source segment. No thinning if 0. size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: Does not return anything but makes a plot. Author: SMM """ from .adjust_text import adjust_text from matplotlib import colors import matplotlib.patches as patches label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # make a figure, if size_format == "geomorphology": print("I am plotting for geomorphology") fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,4)) elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) thisPointData = LSDMap_PD.LSDMap_PointData(chi_csv_fname) thisPointData.ThinData('elevation',elevation_threshold) thisPointData.ThinData('chi',0) # Thin the sources. if source_thinning_threshold > 0: print("I am going to thin some sources out for you") source_info = FindSourceInformation(thisPointData) remaining_sources = FindShortSourceChannels(source_info,source_thinning_threshold) print("The remaining number of sources are: "+str(len(remaining_sources))) thisPointData.ThinDataSelection("source_key",remaining_sources) # Get the chi, m_chi, basin number, and source ID code chi = thisPointData.QueryData('chi') chi = [float(x) for x in chi] elevation = thisPointData.QueryData('elevation') elevation = [float(x) for x in elevation] fdist = thisPointData.QueryData('flow distance') fdist = [float(x) for x in fdist] m_chi = thisPointData.QueryData('m_chi') m_chi = [float(x) for x in m_chi] basin = thisPointData.QueryData('basin_key') basin = [int(x) for x in basin] source = thisPointData.QueryData('source_key') source = [int(x) for x in source] # need to convert everything into arrays so we can mask different basins Chi = np.asarray(chi) Elevation = np.asarray(elevation) #Fdist = np.asarray(fdist) #M_chi = np.asarray(m_chi) Basin = np.asarray(basin) Source = np.asarray(source) max_basin = np.amax(Basin) max_chi = np.amax(Chi) max_Elevation = np.amax(Elevation) #max_M_chi = np.amax(M_chi) min_Elevation = np.amin(Elevation) # determine the maximum and minimum elevations z_axis_min = int(min_Elevation/10)*10 z_axis_max = int(max_Elevation/10)*10+10 X_axis_max = int(max_chi/5)*5+5 elevation_range = z_axis_max-z_axis_min z_axis_min = z_axis_min - 0.075*elevation_range # Now calculate the spacing of the stacks this_X_offset = 0 if basin_order_list: basins_list = basin_order_list n_stacks = len(basins_list) added_X = X_offset*n_stacks X_axis_max = X_axis_max+added_X else: # now loop through a number of basins if last_basin >= max_basin: last_basin = max_basin-1 if first_basin > last_basin: first_basin = last_basin print("Your first basin was larger than last basin. I won't plot anything") basins_list = list(range(first_basin,last_basin+1)) n_stacks = last_basin-first_basin+1 added_X = X_offset*n_stacks print(("The number of stacks is: "+str(n_stacks)+" the old max: "+str(X_axis_max))) X_axis_max = X_axis_max+added_X print(("The nex max is: "+str(X_axis_max))) # make a color map of fixed colors NUM_COLORS = 15 this_cmap = cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=NUM_COLORS-1) #scalarMap =, cmap=this_cmap) Source_colors = [x % NUM_COLORS for x in Source] plt.hold(True) # Logic for stacked labels. You need to run this after source thinning to # get an updated source dict if label_sources: source_info = FindSourceInformation(thisPointData) dot_pos = FigFileName.rindex('.') newFilename = FigFileName[:dot_pos]+'_Stack'+str(first_basin)+FigFileName[dot_pos:] texts = [] # Format the bounding box of source labels bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.1", fc="w", ec="b", lw=0.5,alpha = 0.5) for basin_number in basins_list: print(("This basin is: " +str(basin_number))) m =!=basin_number, Basin) maskX =, Chi) maskElevation =, Elevation) maskSource =, Source_colors) print(("adding an offset of: "+str(this_X_offset))) maskX = np.add(maskX,this_X_offset) this_min_x = np.nanmin(maskX) this_max_x =np.nanmax(maskX) width_box = this_max_x-this_min_x print(("Min: "+str(this_min_x)+" Max: "+str(this_max_x))) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((this_min_x,z_axis_min), width_box, z_axis_max-z_axis_min,alpha = 0.01,facecolor='r',zorder=-10)) if basin_number == basins_list[-1]: print(("last basin, geting maximum value,basin is: "+str(basin_number))) this_max = np.amax(maskX) this_max = int(this_max/5)*5+5 print(("The rounded maximum is: "+str(this_max))) chi_axis_max = this_max #Source_colors = [x % NUM_COLORS for x in maskSource] # some logic for the basin rename if basin_rename_list: if len(basin_rename_list) == max_basin+1: this_basin_text = "Basin "+str(basin_rename_list[basin_number]) else: this_basin_text = "Basin "+str(basin_number) ax.text(this_min_x+0.1*width_box, z_axis_min+0.025*elevation_range, this_basin_text, style='italic', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',fontsize=8) # logic for source labeling if label_sources: # Convert the masked data to a list and then that list to a set and # back to a list (phew!) list_source = maskSource.tolist() set_source = set(list_source) list_source = list(set_source) # Now we have to get rid of stupid non values list_source = [x for x in list_source if x is not None] print("these sources are: ") print(list_source) for this_source in list_source: source_Chi= source_info[this_source]["Chi"] source_Elevation = source_info[this_source]["Elevation"] print(("Source is: "+str(this_source))) #print("Chi is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["Chi"])) #print("FlowDistance is is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["FlowDistance"])) #print("Elevation is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["Elevation"])) texts.append(ax.text(source_Chi+this_X_offset, source_Elevation, str(this_source), style='italic', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',fontsize=8,bbox=bbox_props)) ax.scatter(maskX,maskElevation,s=2.0, c=maskSource,norm=cNorm,cmap=this_cmap,edgecolors='none') this_X_offset = this_X_offset+X_offset ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xlabel("$\chi$ (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Elevation (m)") # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_ylim(z_axis_min,z_axis_max) ax.set_xlim(0,chi_axis_max) # adjust the text adjust_text(texts) # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(newFilename,format=FigFormat,dpi=500) fig.clf()
##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ## This function plots channels, color coded in chi space with a gradient ##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[docs]def StackedProfilesGradient(chi_csv_fname, FigFileName = 'Image.pdf', FigFormat = 'show',elevation_threshold = 0, first_basin = 0, last_basin = 0, basin_order_list = [], basin_rename_list = [], this_cmap =,data_name = 'chi', X_offset = 5, plotting_data_format = 'log', label_sources = False, source_thinning_threshold = 0, size_format = "ESURF"): """This function plots the chi vs elevation or flow distance vs elevation. It stacks profiles (so the basins are spaced out). It colours the plots by the chi steepness (which is equal to the normalised channel steepness if A_0 is set to 1). Args: chi_csv_fname (str): The name (with full path and extension) of the cdv file with chi, chi slope, etc information. This file is produced by the chi_mapping_tool. FigFileName (str): The name of the figure file FigFormat (str): The format of the figure. Usually 'png' or 'pdf'. If "show" then it calls the matplotlib show() command. elevation_threshold (float): elevation_threshold chi points below this elevation are removed from plotting. first_basin (int): The basin to start with (but overridden by the basin list) last_basin (int): The basin to end with (but overridden by the basin list) basin_order_list (int list): The basins to plot basin_rename_list (int list): A list for naming substitutions. Useful because LSDTopoTools might number basins in a way a human wouldn't, so a user can intervene in the names. this_cmap (colormap): NOT USED! We now use a default colourmap but this may change. data_name (str): 'chi' or 'flow_distance' What to plot along the x-axis. X_offset (float): The offest in chi between the basins along the x-axis. Used to space out the profiles so you can see each of them. plotting_data_format: NOT USED previously if 'log' use logarithm scale, but we now automatically do this. Might change later. label_sources (bool): If true, label the sources. source_thinning_threshold (float) = Minimum chi length of a source segment. No thinning if 0. size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: Does not return anything but makes a plot. Author: SMM """ import math import matplotlib.patches as patches from adjust_text import adjust_text label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # make a figure, if size_format == "geomorphology": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,3.5)) l_pad = -40 elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) l_pad = -50 else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) l_pad = -35 gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.15,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) thisPointData = LSDMap_PD.LSDMap_PointData(chi_csv_fname) thisPointData.ThinData('elevation',elevation_threshold) thisPointData.ThinData('chi',0) # Thin the sources. Do this after the colouring so that thinned source colours # will be the same as unthinned source colours. if source_thinning_threshold > 0: print("I am going to thin some sources out for you") source_info = FindSourceInformation(thisPointData) remaining_sources = FindShortSourceChannels(source_info,source_thinning_threshold) print("The remaining number of sources are: "+str(len(remaining_sources))) print("The remaining sources are: ") print(remaining_sources) thisPointData.ThinDataSelection("source_key",remaining_sources) # Get the chi, m_chi, basin number, and source ID code if data_name == 'chi': x_data = thisPointData.QueryData('chi') x_data = [float(x) for x in x_data] elif data_name == 'flow_distance': x_data = thisPointData.QueryData('flow distance') x_data = [float(x) for x in x_data] else: print("I did not understand the data name. Choices are chi and flow distance. Defaulting to chi.") x_data = thisPointData.QueryData('chi') x_data = [float(x) for x in x_data] elevation = thisPointData.QueryData('elevation') elevation = [float(x) for x in elevation] m_chi = thisPointData.QueryData('m_chi') m_chi = [float(x) for x in m_chi] basin = thisPointData.QueryData('basin_key') basin = [int(x) for x in basin] source = thisPointData.QueryData('source_key') source = [int(x) for x in source] colorbarlabel = "$k_{sn}$" if (plotting_data_format == 'log'): log_m_chi = [] for value in m_chi: if value < 0.1: log_m_chi.append(0) else: log_m_chi.append(math.log10(value)) m_chi = log_m_chi colorbarlabel = "log$_{10}k_{sn}$" # Add the cubehelix colourbar this_cmap = cubehelix.cmap(rot=1, reverse=True,start=3,gamma=1.0,sat=2.0) # need to convert everything into arrays so we can mask different basins Xdata = np.asarray(x_data) Elevation = np.asarray(elevation) M_chi = np.asarray(m_chi) Basin = np.asarray(basin) Source = np.asarray(source) max_basin = np.amax(Basin) max_X = np.amax(Xdata) max_Elevation = np.amax(Elevation) max_M_chi = np.amax(M_chi) min_Elevation = np.amin(Elevation) print(("Max M_chi is: "+str(max_M_chi))) z_axis_min = int(min_Elevation/10)*10 z_axis_max = int(max_Elevation/10)*10+10 X_axis_max = int(max_X/5)*5+5 M_chi_axis_max = max_M_chi elevation_range = z_axis_max-z_axis_min z_axis_min = z_axis_min - 0.075*elevation_range plt.hold(True) # Now calculate the spacing of the stacks this_X_offset = 0 if basin_order_list: basins_list = basin_order_list n_stacks = len(basins_list) added_X = X_offset*n_stacks X_axis_max = X_axis_max+added_X else: # now loop through a number of basins if last_basin >= max_basin: last_basin = max_basin-1 if first_basin > last_basin: first_basin = last_basin print("Your first basin was larger than last basin. I won't plot anything") basins_list = list(range(first_basin,last_basin+1)) n_stacks = last_basin-first_basin+1 added_X = X_offset*n_stacks print(("The number of stacks is: "+str(n_stacks)+" the old max: "+str(X_axis_max))) X_axis_max = X_axis_max+added_X print(("The nex max is: "+str(X_axis_max))) # Logic for stacked labels. You need to run this after source thinning to # get an updated source dict if label_sources: source_info = FindSourceInformation(thisPointData) # Now start looping through the basins dot_pos = FigFileName.rindex('.') newFilename = FigFileName[:dot_pos]+'_GradientStack'+str(first_basin)+FigFileName[dot_pos:] texts = [] # Format the bounding box of source labels bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.1", fc="w", ec="b", lw=0.5,alpha = 0.5) for basin_number in basins_list: print(("This basin is: " +str(basin_number))) m =!=basin_number, Basin) maskX =, Xdata) maskElevation =, Elevation) maskMChi =, M_chi) maskSource =, Source) print("adding an offset of: "+str(this_X_offset)) # Get the minimum and maximum this_min_x = np.nanmin(maskX) if this_min_x < 0: this_min_x = 0 this_max_x =np.nanmax(maskX) width_box = this_max_x-this_min_x # Now add the offset to the minimum and maximum this_min_x = this_min_x+this_X_offset # Now add the offset to the data maskX = np.add(maskX,this_X_offset) this_X_offset = this_X_offset+X_offset print("Min: "+str(this_min_x)+" Max: "+str(this_max_x)) ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((this_min_x,z_axis_min), width_box, z_axis_max-z_axis_min,alpha = 0.01,facecolor='r',zorder=-10)) # some logic for the basin rename if basin_rename_list: #print("Checking length, "+str(len(basin_rename_list))+" , "+str(max_basin+1)) if len(basin_rename_list) == max_basin+1: this_basin_text = "Basin "+str(basin_rename_list[basin_number]) print("This basin text is: "+this_basin_text) else: this_basin_text = "Basin "+str(basin_number) ax.text(this_min_x+0.1*width_box, z_axis_min+0.025*elevation_range, this_basin_text, style='italic', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',fontsize=8) if basin_number == basins_list[-1]: print(("last basin, geting maximum value,basin is: "+str(basin_number))) this_max = np.amax(maskX) this_max = int(this_max/5)*5+5 print(("The rounded maximum is: "+str(this_max))) X_axis_max = this_max # logic for source labeling if label_sources: # Convert the masked data to a list and then that list to a set and # back to a list (phew!) list_source = maskSource.tolist() set_source = set(list_source) list_source = list(set_source) # Now we have to get rid of stupid non values list_source = [x for x in list_source if x is not None] #print("these sources are: ") #print list_source #print("the source info is: ") #print source_info for this_source in list_source: if data_name == 'chi': source_X = source_info[this_source]["Chi"] elif data_name == 'flow_distance': source_X = source_info[this_source]["FlowDistance"] else: source_X = source_info[this_source]["Chi"] source_Elevation = source_info[this_source]["Elevation"] #print("Source is: "+str(this_source)) #print("Chi is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["Chi"])) #print("FlowDistance is is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["FlowDistance"])) #print("Elevation is: "+str(source_info[this_source]["Elevation"])) texts.append(ax.text(source_X+this_X_offset, source_Elevation, str(this_source), style='italic', verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left',fontsize=8,bbox=bbox_props)) sc = ax.scatter(maskX,maskElevation,s=2.0, c=maskMChi,cmap=this_cmap,edgecolors='none') # increment the offset this_X_offset = this_X_offset+X_offset # set the colour limits sc.set_clim(0, M_chi_axis_max) #bounds = (0, M_chi_axis_max) # This is the axis for the colorbar ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:15,15:70]) cbar = plt.colorbar(sc,cmap=this_cmap,spacing='uniform', orientation='horizontal',cax=ax2) cbar.set_label(colorbarlabel, fontsize=10) ax2.set_xlabel(colorbarlabel, fontname='Arial',labelpad=l_pad) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_ylabel("Elevation (m)") # we need special formatting for the fow distance, since we want locations in kilometres if data_name == 'flow_distance': # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 X_axis_min = 0 xlocs,new_x_labels = LSDMap_BP.TickConverter(X_axis_min,X_axis_max,n_target_tics) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_xlabel("Flow distance (km)") else: ax.set_xlabel("$\chi$ (m)") # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_ylim(z_axis_min,z_axis_max) ax.set_xlim(0,X_axis_max) # adjust the text adjust_text(texts) # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(newFilename,format=FigFormat,dpi=500) fig.clf()