Source code for LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_BasicPlotting

## These functions are tools to deal with rasters
## SMM
## 26/07/2014
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import rcParams
from .adjust_text import adjust_text
import LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_GDALIO as LSDMap_IO
import LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_BasicManipulation as LSDMap_BM
import LSDPlottingTools.LSDMap_OSystemTools as LSDOst
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# This formats ticks if you want to convert metres to km
[docs]def TickConverter(x_min,x_max,n_target_tics): """This function is used to convert ticks in metres to ticks in kilometres. Args: x_min (float): The minimum value on the axis (in metres). x_max (float): The maximum value on the axis (in metres) n_target_ticks (int): The number of ticks you want on the axis (this is optimised so you may not get exactly this number) Returns: new_xlocs (float list): List of locations of the ticks in metres. new_x_labels (str list): List of strings for ticks, will be location in kilometres. Author: Simon M Mudd """ dx_fig = x_max-x_min dx_spacing = dx_fig/n_target_tics #print("spacing: "+str(dx_spacing)) # This extracts the digits before the full stop str_dx = str(dx_spacing) str_dx = str_dx.split('.')[0] n_digits = str_dx.__len__() nd = int(n_digits) # We are left with the number of digits in the spacing. This will be used # to round tick locations first_digit = float(str_dx[0]) dx_spacing_rounded = first_digit*pow(10,(nd-1)) #print("dx spacing is: " + str(dx_spacing_rounded)) str_xmin = str(x_min) #print("before split str_xmin: "+ str_xmin) str_xmin = str_xmin.split('.')[0] #print("after split str_xmin: "+ str_xmin) x_min = float(str_xmin) #print("x_min: "+ str(x_min)) n_digx = str_xmin.__len__() if (n_digx-nd+1) >= 1: front_x = str_xmin[:(n_digx-nd+1)] else: front_x = str_xmin round_xmin = float(front_x)*pow(10,nd-1) #print("round xmin is: " + str(round_xmin)) if round_xmin <0: round_xmin = 0 # now we need to figure out where the xllocs and ylocs are xlocs = np.zeros(2*n_target_tics) xlocs_km = np.zeros(2*n_target_tics) new_x_labels = [] for i in range(0,2*n_target_tics): xlocs[i] = round_xmin+(i)*dx_spacing_rounded xlocs_km[i] = xlocs[i]/1000.0 new_x_labels.append( str(xlocs_km[i]).split(".")[0] ) #print xlocs #print new_x_labels #print new_y_labels new_xlocs = [] new_xlocs_km = [] x_labels = [] # Now loop through these to get rid of those not in range for index,xloc in enumerate(xlocs): #print xloc if (xloc <= x_max and xloc >= x_min): new_xlocs.append(xloc) new_xlocs_km.append(xlocs_km[index]) x_labels.append(new_x_labels[index]) #print "=======================================" #print "I am getting the tick marks now" #print "X extent: " + str(x_min)+ " " +str(x_max) #print "x ticks: " #print new_xlocs #print x_labels #return xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels return new_xlocs,x_labels
#============================================================================== # Formats ticks for an imshow plot in UTM # Filename is the name of the file with full path # x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min are the extent of the plotting area (NOT the DEM) # n_target ticks are the number of ticks for plotting #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics): """This fuction is used to set tick locations for UTM maps. It tries to optimise the spacing of these ticks. Args: x_min (float): The minimum value on the x axis (in metres). x_max (float): The maximum value on the x axis (in metres). y_min (float): The minimum value on the y axis (in metres). y_max (float): The maximum value on the y axis (in metres). n_target_ticks (int): The number of ticks you want on the axis (this is optimised so you may not get exactly this number) Returns: new_xlocs (float list): List of locations of the ticks in metres. new_x_labels (str list): List of strings for ticks, will be location in kilometres. new_ylocs (float list): List of locations of the ticks in metres. new_y_labels (str list): List of strings for ticks, will be location in kilometres. Author: SMM """ CellSize,XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMMaxMin(FileName) NDV, xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection, DataType = LSDMap_IO.GetGeoInfo(FileName) #print("Getting ticks. YMin: "+str(YMin)+" and YMax: "+str(YMax)) xmax_UTM = XMax xmin_UTM = XMin ymax_UTM = YMax ymin_UTM = YMin dy_fig = ymax_UTM-ymin_UTM dx_fig = xmax_UTM-xmin_UTM dx_spacing = dx_fig/n_target_tics dy_spacing = dy_fig/n_target_tics if (dx_spacing>dy_spacing): dy_spacing = dx_spacing str_dy = str(dy_spacing) str_dy = str_dy.split('.')[0] n_digits = str_dy.__len__() nd = int(n_digits) first_digit = float(str_dy[0]) dy_spacing_rounded = first_digit*pow(10,(nd-1)) str_xmin = str(xmin_UTM) str_ymin = str(ymin_UTM) str_xmin = str_xmin.split('.')[0] str_ymin = str_ymin.split('.')[0] xmin_UTM = float(str_xmin) ymin_UTM = float(str_ymin) n_digx = str_xmin.__len__() n_digy = str_ymin.__len__() if (n_digx-nd+1) >= 1: front_x = str_xmin[:(n_digx-nd+1)] else: front_x = str_xmin if (n_digy-nd+1) >= 1: front_y = str_ymin[:(n_digy-nd+1)] else: front_y = str_ymin round_xmin = float(front_x)*pow(10,nd-1) round_ymin = float(front_y)*pow(10,nd-1) #print("UTM y in: "+str(ymin_UTM)+" and rounded min: "+str(round_ymin)) # now we need to figure out where the xllocs and ylocs are xUTMlocs = np.zeros(2*n_target_tics) yUTMlocs = np.zeros(2*n_target_tics) xlocs = np.zeros(2*n_target_tics) ylocs = np.zeros(2*n_target_tics) new_x_labels = [] new_y_labels = [] for i in range(0,2*n_target_tics): # Note we use dy spacing here in both x and y directions since we want # Ticks spaced the same in each direction xUTMlocs[i] = round_xmin+(i)*dy_spacing_rounded yUTMlocs[i] = round_ymin+(i)*dy_spacing_rounded xlocs[i] = xUTMlocs[i] # need to account for the rows starting at the upper boundary ylocs[i] = YMax-(yUTMlocs[i]-YMin) new_x_labels.append( str(xUTMlocs[i]).split(".")[0] ) new_y_labels.append( str(yUTMlocs[i]).split(".")[0] ) new_xlocs = [] new_xUTMlocs = [] x_labels = [] # Now loop through these to get rid of those not in range for index,xloc in enumerate(xlocs): if (xloc < XMax and xloc > XMin): new_xlocs.append(xloc) new_xUTMlocs.append(xUTMlocs[index]) x_labels.append(new_x_labels[index]) new_ylocs = [] new_yUTMlocs = [] y_labels = [] # Now loop through these to get rid of those not in range #you have to reverse the order of the lists. #print("before reverse: ") #print(ylocs) ylocs = ylocs[::-1] #print("After") #print(ylocs) yUTMlocs = yUTMlocs[::-1] new_y_labels = new_y_labels[::-1] #print("UTM y: ") #print(yUTMlocs) #print("and y locs:") #print(ylocs) #print("And labels:") #print(new_y_labels) for index,yloc in enumerate(ylocs): UTMloc = yUTMlocs[index] if (UTMloc < YMax and UTMloc > YMin): #print("UTMloc: "+str(UTMloc)+" yloc: "+str(yloc)+" label: "+new_y_labels[index]) new_ylocs.append(yloc) new_yUTMlocs.append(yUTMlocs[index]) y_labels.append(new_y_labels[index]) #return xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels return new_xlocs,new_ylocs,x_labels,y_labels
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[docs]def LogStretchDensityPlot(FileName, thiscmap='gray',colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters',clim_val = (0,0)): """This creates a plot of a raster where the colours are streched over log space Args: FileName (str): The name of the raster (with full path and extension). thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used. colorbarlabel (str): The label of the colourbar clim_val (float,float): The colour limits. If (0,0) then the min and max raster values are used. Returns: A density plot of the raster. Author: Simon M Mudd """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.lines as mpllines label_size = 20 axis_size = 28 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) # get the log of the raster raster = np.log10(raster) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, sized for a ppt slide fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(10,7.5)) # make room for the colorbar fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) im = ax1.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) plt.xticks(xlocs, new_x_labels, rotation=60) #[1:-1] skips ticks where we have no data plt.yticks(ylocs, new_y_labels) print("The x locs are: ") print(xlocs) print("The x labels are: ") print(new_x_labels) # some formatting to make some of the ticks point outward for line in ax1.get_xticklines(): line.set_marker(mpllines.TICKDOWN) for line in ax1.get_yticklines(): line.set_marker(mpllines.TICKLEFT) plt.xlabel('Easting (m)',fontsize = axis_size) plt.ylabel('Northing (m)', fontsize = axis_size) ax1.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax1.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("I don't think I should be here") im.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal') cbar.set_label(colorbarlabel)
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[docs]def BasicDensityPlot(FileName, thiscmap='gray',colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters',clim_val = (0,0)): """This creates a plot of a raster. The most basic plotting function Args: FileName (str): The name of the raster (with full path and extension). thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used. colorbarlabel (str): The label of the colourbar clim_val (float,float): The colour limits. If (0,0) then the min and max raster values are used. Returns: A density plot of the raster Author: Simon M Mudd """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.lines as mpllines label_size = 20 #title_size = 30 axis_size = 28 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, sized for a ppt slide fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(10,7.5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) im = ax1.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster) #print("The is the extent raster data element") #print(extent_raster) #print("now I am in the mapping routine") #print("x_min: " + str(x_min)) #print("x_max: " + str(x_max)) #print("y_min: " + str(y_min)) #print("y_max: " + str(y_max)) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) plt.xticks(xlocs, new_x_labels, rotation=60) #[1:-1] skips ticks where we have no data plt.yticks(ylocs, new_y_labels) #print("The x locs are: ") #print(xlocs) #print("The x labels are: ") #print(new_x_labels) # some formatting to make some of the ticks point outward for line in ax1.get_xticklines(): line.set_marker(mpllines.TICKDOWN) #line.set_markeredgewidth(3) for line in ax1.get_yticklines(): line.set_marker(mpllines.TICKLEFT) #line.set_markeredgewidth(3) plt.xlim(x_min,x_max) plt.ylim(y_max,y_min) plt.xlabel('Easting (m)',fontsize = axis_size) plt.ylabel('Northing (m)', fontsize = axis_size) ax1.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax1.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("I don't think I should be here") im.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, orientation='vertical') cbar.set_label(colorbarlabel)
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[docs]def BasicDensityPlotGridPlot(FileName, thiscmap='gray',colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters', clim_val = (0,0),FigFileName = 'Image.pdf', FigFormat = 'show'): """This creates a plot of a raster. The most basic plotting function. It uses AxisGrid to ensure proper placment of the raster. Args: FileName (str): The name of the raster (with full path and extension). thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used. colorbarlabel (str): The label of the colourbar clim_val (float,float): The colour limits. If (0,0) then the min and max raster values are used. FigFilename (str): The name of the figure (with extension) FigFormat (str): the format of the figure (e.g., jpg, png, pdf). If "show" then the figure is plotted to screen. Returns: A density plot of the raster Author: Simon M Mudd """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set up fonts for plots label_size = 20 rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, sized for a ppt slide fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(10,7.5)) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,75,bottom=0.1,left=0.1,right=0.9,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:100,10:75]) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im = ax.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") cbar = plt.colorbar(im) cbar.set_label(colorbarlabel) # set the colour limits #print "Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1]) if (clim_val == (0,0)): #print "I don't think I should be here" im.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) # go through the ticks ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(2.5) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(2.5) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(2.5) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(2.5) # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_yticks(ylocs) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=2.5, pad = 10) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(10) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(FigFileName,format=FigFormat) fig.clf()
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[docs]def BasicDrapedPlotGridPlot(FileName, DrapeName, thiscmap='gray',drape_cmap='gray', colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters',clim_val = (0,0), drape_alpha = 0.6,FigFileName = 'Image.pdf',FigFormat = 'show'): """This creates a draped plot of a raster. It uses AxisGrid to ensure proper placment of the raster. Args: FileName (str): The name of the raster (with full path and extension). DrapeName (str): The name of the drape raster (with full path and extension). If the DrapeName is "None" it will calculate the hillshade. thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used. drape_cmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used for the drape. colorbarlabel (str): The label of the colourbar clim_val (float,float): The colour limits. If (0,0) then the min and max raster values are used. drape_alpha (float): The alpha value (transparency) of the drape FigFilename (str): The name of the figure (with extension) FigFormat (str): the format of the figure (e.g., jpg, png, pdf). If "show" then the figure is plotted to screen. Returns: A density plot of the draped raster Author: Simon M Mudd """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set up fonts for plots label_size = 20 rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) from scipy import ndimage if DrapeName == "None": #filtered = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(raster, 3) #filtered = signal.wiener(raster) raster_drape = Hillshade(raster) else: raster_drape = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(DrapeName) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, sized for a ppt slide fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(10,7.5)) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,75,bottom=0.1,left=0.1,right=0.9,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:100,10:75]) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im1 = ax.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") cbar = plt.colorbar(im1) cbar.set_label(colorbarlabel) # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("Im setting colour limits based on minimum and maximum values") im1.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im1.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) plt.hold(True) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale im3 = ax.imshow(raster_drape[::-1], drape_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = drape_alpha, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im3.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_drape)) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1.5) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1.5) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1.5) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1.5) # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_yticks(ylocs) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1.5, pad = 10) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(10) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(FigFileName,format=FigFormat,dpi=250) fig.clf()
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[docs]def DrapedOverHillshade(FileName, DrapeName, thiscmap='gray',drape_cmap='gray', colorbarlabel='Elevation in meters',clim_val = (0,0), drape_alpha = 0.6, ShowColorbar = False, ShowDrapeColorbar=False, drape_cbarlabel=None): """This creates a draped plot of a raster. It uses AxisGrid to ensure proper placment of the raster. It also includes a hillshde to make the figure look nicer (so there are three raster layers). Note: Remember, this has THREE layers: a base layer, a hillshade and a drape. Args: FileName (str): The name of the raster (with full path and extension). DrapeName (str): The name of the drape raster (with full path and extension). thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used. drape_cmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used for the drape. colorbarlabel (str): The label of the colourbar clim_val (float,float): The colour limits. If (0,0) then the min and max raster values are used. drape_alpha (float): The alpha value (transparency) of the drape ShowColorbar (bool): Whether you want to show the colorbar drape_cbarlabel (str): The label of the drape colourbar Returns: A density plot of the draped raster Author: SMM and DAV """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid label_size = 20 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size hillshade = Hillshade(FileName) # DAV - option to supply array directly (after masking for example, rather # than reading directly from a file. Should not break anyone's code) # (You can't overload functions in Python...) if isinstance(DrapeName, str): raster_drape = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(DrapeName) elif isinstance(DrapeName, np.ndarray): raster_drape = DrapeName else: print("DrapeName supplied is of type: ", type(DrapeName)) raise ValueError('DrapeName must either be a string to a filename, \ or a numpy ndarray type. Please try again.') # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, sized for a ppt slide fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(10,7.5)) if ShowColorbar: grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(1, 1), axes_pad=(0.45, 0.15), label_mode="1", share_all=True, cbar_location="right", cbar_mode="each", cbar_size="7%", cbar_pad="2%", ) else: grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(1, 1), axes_pad=(0.45, 0.15), label_mode="1", share_all=True, ) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im = grid[0].imshow(hillshade[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") #im = grid[0].imshow(raster, thiscmap, interpolation="nearest") if ShowColorbar: cbar = grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(im) cbar.set_label_text(colorbarlabel) # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("I don't think I should be here") im.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(hillshade)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscape im2 = grid[0].imshow(raster_drape[::-1], drape_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = drape_alpha, interpolation="none") if ShowDrapeColorbar: cbar2 = grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(im2) cbar2.set_label_text(drape_cbarlabel) # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. grid.axes_llc.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) grid.axes_llc.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) grid.axes_llc.set_xticks(xlocs) grid.axes_llc.set_yticks(ylocs) grid.axes_llc.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) grid.axes_llc.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) grid.axes_llc.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") grid.axes_llc.set_ylabel("Northing (m)")
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[docs]def DrapedOverFancyHillshade(FileName, HSName, DrapeName, thiscmap='gray',drape_cmap='gray', colorbarlabel='Basin number',clim_val = (0,0), drape_alpha = 0.6,FigFileName = 'Image.pdf',FigFormat = 'show', elevation_threshold = 0): """This creates a draped plot of a raster. It uses AxisGrid to ensure proper placment of the raster. It also includes a hillshde to make the figure look nicer (so there are three raster layers). In this case you need to tell it the name of the hillshade raster. Args: FileName (str): The name of the raster (with full path and extension). HSName (str): The name of the hillshade raster (with full path and extension). DrapeName (str): The name of the drape raster (with full path and extension). thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used. drape_cmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used for the drape. colorbarlabel (str): The label of the colourbar clim_val (float,float): The colour limits. If (0,0) then the min and max raster values are used. drape_alpha (float): The alpha value (transparency) of the drape FigFilename (str): The name of the figure (with extension) FigFormat (str): the format of the figure (e.g., jpg, png, pdf). If "show" then the figure is plotted to screen. elevation_threshold (float): If raster values are less than this threshold they become nodata. Returns: A density plot of the draped raster Author: SMM """ label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) raster_HS = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(HSName) raster_drape = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(DrapeName) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] # make a figure, sized for a ppt slide fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) # This is the axis for the colorbar ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:15,15:70]) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im1 = ax.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("Im setting colour limits based on minimum and maximum values") im1.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im1.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) plt.hold(True) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale #print "drape_cmap is: "+drape_cmap HS_cmap = 'gray' im2 = ax.imshow(raster_HS[::-1], HS_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = 0.4, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im2.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_HS)) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale #print "drape_cmap is: "+drape_cmap im3 = ax.imshow(raster_drape[::-1], drape_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = drape_alpha, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im3.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_drape)) ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_yticks(ylocs) cbar = plt.colorbar(im3,cmap=drape_cmap,spacing='uniform', orientation='horizontal',cax=ax2) cbar.set_label(colorbarlabel, fontsize=10) ax2.set_xlabel(colorbarlabel, fontname='Arial',labelpad=-35) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(FigFileName,format=FigFormat,dpi=500) fig.clf()
##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ## This function plots the chi slope on a shaded relief map ##=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[docs]def BasinsOverFancyHillshade(FileName, HSName, BasinName, Basin_csv_name, basin_point_data, thiscmap='gray',drape_cmap='gray', clim_val = (0,0), drape_alpha = 0.6,FigFileName = 'Image.pdf', FigFormat = 'show',elevation_threshold = 0, grouped_basin_list = [], basin_rename_list = [],spread = 20, chanPointData = "None", label_sources = False, source_chi_threshold = 10, size_format = "esurf"): """This creates a plot with a hillshade draped over elevation (or any other raster) with the basins on them. Args: FileName (str): The name of the raster (with full path and extension). HSName (str): The name of the hillshade raster (with full path and extension). BasinName (str): The name of the basin raster (with full path and extension). Basin_csv_name (str): The name of the csv file where basin info is stored basin_point_data (LSDMap_PointData): The basin point data thiscmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used. drape_cmap (colormap): The colourmap to be used for the drape. clim_val (float,float): The colour limits. If (0,0) then the min and max raster values are used. drape_alpha (float): The alpha value (transparency) of the drape FigFilename (str): The name of the figure (with extension) FigFormat (str): the format of the figure (e.g., jpg, png, pdf). If "show" then the figure is plotted to screen. elevation_threshold (float): If raster values are less than this threshold they become nodata. grouped_basin_list (int list): A list of lists with basins to be grouped. basin_rename_list (int list): A list of updated names for the basins. So if you wanted basin 4 to be renamed basin 6 the fourth element in this list would be 6. spread (float): Basins get a different number each, this is the spread between groups that controls how different the grouped basins are. chanPointData (str ir LSDMap_PointData): Either "none" or a point data object with the channel network label_sources (bool): Wheteher or not to label the sources source_chi_threshold (float): Sources with length less than this will be plotted. size_format (str): Can be "big" (16 inches wide), "geomorphology" (6.25 inches wide), or "ESURF" (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf). Returns: A density plot of the draped raster Author: SMM """ from . import LSDMap_ChiPlotting as LSDMap_CP label_size = 10 # Set up fonts for plots rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # get the data raster = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(FileName) raster_HS = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(HSName) raster_drape = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(BasinName) # now get the extent extent_raster = LSDMap_IO.GetRasterExtent(FileName) x_min = extent_raster[0] x_max = extent_raster[1] y_min = extent_raster[2] y_max = extent_raster[3] #x_range = x_max-x_min #y_range = y_max-y_min # make a figure, if size_format == "geomorphology": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(6.25,5)) elif size_format == "big": fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(16,9)) else: fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(4.92126,3.5)) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,100,bottom=0.25,left=0.1,right=1.0,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[25:100,10:95]) # now get the tick marks n_target_tics = 5 xlocs,ylocs,new_x_labels,new_y_labels = GetTicksForUTM(FileName,x_max,x_min,y_max,y_min,n_target_tics) im1 = ax.imshow(raster[::-1], thiscmap, extent = extent_raster, interpolation="nearest") # set the colour limits print("Setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) if (clim_val == (0,0)): print("Im setting colour limits based on minimum and maximum values") im1.set_clim(0, np.nanmax(raster)) else: print("Now setting colour limits to "+str(clim_val[0])+" and "+str(clim_val[1])) im1.set_clim(clim_val[0],clim_val[1]) plt.hold(True) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale #print "drape_cmap is: "+drape_cmap HS_cmap = 'gray' im2 = ax.imshow(raster_HS[::-1], HS_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = 0.4, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im2.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_HS)) # now we need to update the basin colours # this groups basins if grouped_basin_list: key_groups = LSDMap_BM.BasinKeyToJunction(grouped_basin_list,basin_point_data) raster_drape = LSDMap_BM.RedefineIntRaster(raster_drape,key_groups,spread) # Now for the drape: it is in grayscale #print "drape_cmap is: "+drape_cmap im3 = ax.imshow(raster_drape[::-1], drape_cmap, extent = extent_raster, alpha = drape_alpha, interpolation="nearest") # Set the colour limits of the drape im3.set_clim(0,np.nanmax(raster_drape)) #======================================================== # now we need to label the basins # Now we get the chi points #print("Getting the EPSG string from: "+FileName) #print("Type of fname: "+str(type(FileName))) FileName= str(FileName) #print("Now the type is: "+str(type(FileName))) EPSG_string = LSDMap_IO.GetUTMEPSG(FileName) #print("EPSG string is: " + EPSG_string) # Now plot channel data if chanPointData != "None": # convert to easting and northing [easting_c,northing_c] = chanPointData.GetUTMEastingNorthing(EPSG_string) # The image is inverted so we have to invert the northing coordinate Ncoord_c = np.asarray(northing_c) Ncoord_c = np.subtract(extent_raster[3],Ncoord_c) Ncoord_c = np.add(Ncoord_c,extent_raster[2]) # plot the rivers ax.scatter(easting_c,Ncoord_c,s=0.2, marker='.',color= 'b',alpha=0.2) thisPointData = basin_point_data # convert to easting and northing [easting,northing] = thisPointData.GetUTMEastingNorthingFromQuery(EPSG_string,"outlet_latitude","outlet_longitude") # The image is inverted so we have to invert the northing coordinate Ncoord = np.asarray(northing) Ncoord = np.subtract(extent_raster[3],Ncoord) Ncoord = np.add(Ncoord,extent_raster[2]) these_data = thisPointData.QueryData("outlet_junction") #print M_chi these_data = [int(x) for x in these_data] # plot the centroids ax.scatter(easting,Ncoord,s=1, marker='o',color= 'r',alpha=0.7) # add a load of xmin, xmax points buffered_east = [] buffered_north = [] for loc in easting: buffered_east.append(loc) buffered_east.append(loc) buffered_east.append(loc) buffered_east.append(extent_raster[0]) buffered_east.append(extent_raster[1]) for loc in Ncoord: buffered_north.append(loc) buffered_north.append(extent_raster[2]) buffered_north.append(extent_raster[3]) buffered_north.append(loc) buffered_north.append(loc) # add text for basins texts = [] bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="circle,pad=0.1", fc="w", ec="k", lw=0.5,alpha = 0.5) for index, datum in enumerate(these_data): this_easting = easting[index] this_northing = Ncoord[index] # Check to see if basins rename list works if basin_rename_list: if len(basin_rename_list) == len(these_data): texts.append(ax.text(this_easting,this_northing, str(basin_rename_list[index]),fontsize = 8, color= "r",alpha=0.7,bbox=bbox_props)) else: texts.append(ax.text(this_easting,this_northing, str(index),fontsize = 8, color= "r",alpha=0.7,bbox=bbox_props)) # Now for sources labelling texts2 = [] if label_sources: # Format the bounding box bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.1", fc="w", ec="b", lw=0.5,alpha = 0.5) # First get the source node information source_nodes = LSDMap_CP.FindSourceInformation(chanPointData) # Find all the channels with chi greater than a threshold selected_sources = LSDMap_CP.FindShortSourceChannels(source_nodes,source_chi_threshold) # Now loop through these sources and get their eaasting and northing for source in selected_sources: # Get the latitude and longitude latitude = source_nodes[source]["Latitude"] longitude = source_nodes[source]["Longitude"] # Convert to UTM [this_easting,this_northing] = LSDMap_BM.GetUTMEastingNorthing(EPSG_string,latitude,longitude) # convert the northing for imshow this_NCoord = LSDMap_BM.ConvertNorthingForImshow(FileName,this_northing) # now append the text texts2.append(ax.text(this_easting,this_NCoord, str(source),fontsize = 6, color= "b",alpha=0.7,bbox=bbox_props)) # Adjust the basin text adjust_text(texts,x=buffered_east,y=buffered_north,autoalign='xy',ax=ax) # Adjust the sources texts adjust_text(texts2, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", color='r', lw=0.5),expand_points=(3, 3), force_points=1) # Now to fix up the axes ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1) ax.set_xticklabels(new_x_labels,rotation=60) ax.set_yticklabels(new_y_labels) ax.set_xlabel("Easting (m)") ax.set_ylabel("Northing (m)") # This gets all the ticks, and pads them away from the axis so that the corners don't overlap ax.tick_params(axis='both', width=1, pad = 2) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(2) # This affects all axes because we set share_all = True. ax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max) ax.set_ylim(y_max,y_min) # Adjust the text #adjust_text(texts,x=buffered_east,y=buffered_north,autoalign='xy',ax=ax) #adjust_text(texts) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) ax.set_yticks(ylocs) print("The figure format is: " + FigFormat) if FigFormat == 'show': elif FigFormat == 'return': return fig else: plt.savefig(FigFileName,format=FigFormat,dpi=500) fig.clf()
#============================================================================== # Make a simple hillshade plot
[docs]def Hillshade(raster_file, azimuth = 315, angle_altitude = 45, NoDataValue = -9999,z_factor = 1): """Creates a hillshade raster Args: raster_file (str): The name of the raster file with path and extension. azimuth (float): Azimuth of sunlight angle_altitude (float): Angle altitude of sun NoDataValue (float): The nodata value of the raster Returns: HSArray (numpy.array): The hillshade array Author: DAV and SWDG """ #print("The raster file is: "+raster_file) # You have passed a filepath to be read in as a raster if isinstance(raster_file, str): array = LSDMap_IO.ReadRasterArrayBlocks(raster_file,raster_band=1) # You already have an array and just want the hill shade elif isinstance(raster_file, np.ndarray): array = raster_file else: print("raster_file must be either a filepath (string) or a numpy array. Try again.") # DAV attempting mask nodata vals nodata_mask = array == NoDataValue array[nodata_mask] = np.nan x, y = np.gradient(array) slope = np.pi/2. - np.arctan(np.multiply(z_factor,np.sqrt(x*x + y*y))) aspect = np.arctan2(-x, y) azimuthrad = azimuth*np.pi / 180. altituderad = angle_altitude*np.pi / 180. shaded = np.sin(altituderad) * np.sin(slope)\ + np.cos(altituderad) * np.cos(slope)\ * np.cos(azimuthrad - aspect) #this_array = 255*(shaded + 1)/2 return 255*(shaded + 1)/2
#============================================================================== #==============================================================================
[docs]def SwathPlot(path, filename, axis): """A function that creates a swath in either the x or y direction only. Averages across entire DEM. Exceedingly basic. Args: path (str): the path to the raster filename (str): the name of the file axis (int): if 0, swath along x-axis, if not swath along y-axis Returns: A plot of the swath Author: SMM """ # get the path to the raster file NewPath = LSDOst.AppendSepToDirectoryPath(path) FileName = NewPath+filename # get the data vectors means,medians,std_deviations,twentyfifth_percentile,seventyfifth_percentile = LSDMap_BM.SimpleSwath(path, filename, axis) print("Means shape is: ") print(means.shape) x_vec,y_vec = LSDMap_IO.GetLocationVectors(FileName) print("X shape is: ") print(x_vec.shape) print("Y shape is: ") print(y_vec.shape) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set up fonts for plots label_size = 20 rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif' rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['arial'] rcParams['font.size'] = label_size # make a figure, sized for a ppt slide fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white',figsize=(10,7.5)) gs = plt.GridSpec(100,75,bottom=0.1,left=0.1,right=0.9,top=1.0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[10:100,10:75]) if axis == 0: dir_vec = x_vec else: dir_vec = y_vec min_sd = np.subtract(means,std_deviations) plus_sd = np.add(means,std_deviations) ax.plot(dir_vec,means, linewidth = 2, color = "red") #ax.fill_between(dir_vec, twentyfifth_percentile, seventyfifth_percentile, facecolor='green', alpha = 0.7, interpolate=True) ax.fill_between(dir_vec, min_sd, plus_sd, facecolor='blue', alpha = 0.5, interpolate=True) ax.set_xlim(dir_vec[0],dir_vec[-1])
#============================================================================== #============================================================================== #==============================================================================
[docs]def round_to_n(x, n): """A rounding function Args: x (float): The number to be rounded n (int): The number of digits to be rounded to. Returns: Rounded (float): The rounded number Author: SMM """ if n < 1: raise ValueError("number of significant digits must be >= 1") # Use %e format to get the n most significant digits, as a string. format = "%." + str(n-1) + "e" as_string = format % x return float(as_string)
[docs]def init_plotting_DV(): """Initial plotting parameterss. Author: DAV """ plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 8) plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 17 plt.rcParams[''] = 'Times New Roman' plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 1.2*plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 1.2*plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] # plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 2*plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] plt.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = True plt.rcParams['legend.loc'] = 'center left' plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1 plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.visible'] = False plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.visible'] = False plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2